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Our Three to Six Program provide preschoolers who have cochlear implants with intensive auditory-verbal instruction in a rich and stimulating environment.


The aim is to further develop their listening, spoken language, social, cognitive and academic abilities but with themes that are practical and mimic real-life.   Students love our themes. The professionals’ day was enjoyed by all – with a policeman and a surgeon and more and our Orange Day was – well – bright!


We continue our Active English program, with small groups and individual sessions.  We focus on literacy in our school readiness program, helping our children feel prepared for school work. Each child is provided with an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) to make sure they are given the support and make the progress required. There is a ratio of no more than 3:8. Each student can be guaranteed individual attention from our LISLA professionals.


Our Three to Six program students attend mornings from 7.30am until 12:30pm. 

Our children’s day is filled with fun, creativity, and learning through a multitude of teaching approaches, activities, themes, and field trips.  


Our programs from birth to six years old extend into the holidays, helping to maintain skills that have been achieved and are emerging.



Sada Educational Center is a Nonprofit Organizations

        Tel: 1832000         

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